Photo of Naná Ribeiro Brazil

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Attend the School of Music and Fine Arts in Curitiba. Among several works, teaches art for children, including street children carentes.Paralelamente do courses such as: creative music, Course Bauhaus University in Londrina / Pr., Education through Theatre, trains teachers in the official teaching of Brasilia / DF, art education course for art educators, Curitiba / Pr., a Latin Americando Education through Art, Rio de...

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7.87 x 5.91 in
5.91 x 7.87 in
5.91 x 7.87 in
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Photo of Naná Ribeiro Brazil

Attend the School of Music and Fine Arts in Curitiba. Among several works, teaches art for children, including street children carentes.Paralelamente do courses such as: creative music, Course Bauhaus University in Londrina / Pr., Education through Theatre, trains teachers in the official teaching of Brasilia / DF, art education course for art educators, Curitiba / Pr., a Latin Americando Education through Art, Rio de Janeiro MEC performs artistic paintings in slum upgrading projects in Rio de Janeiro, Instructor In Workshop Paper Mache NAF-project of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, and in parallel teaches art to children within the same project. Instructor for community recycling through the SENAC, Joatina / RJ, Instructor Community Recycling, IBAMA, in Paranagua / Participation in Exhibitions from 1983 to 2004 were 34 exhibitions and shows, including the Netherlands and Portugal, and was honored with several awards. It is also set designer, having done work rewarding, especially in Rio de Janeiro, which lived 21 anos.Agora working on new artistic production, which will be presented next year, although no date. My favorite quote and true \'ART IS TO BLOW THE SPIRIT MATTER (Gullar, poet and arts critic ileiro bras). Thank you!

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